It is urgent for us to form the modernly scientific manage modes.
形成现代化的学科管理模式是我们目前一项迫切需要完成的任务。 |
It is urgent that food and clothing (should) be sent to the sufferers.
急需将食物和衣服送给灾民。 |
It is urgent to create a reasonable financial assistance system to the students, which is vital to sustainable development of higher education and social fair.
能否建立合理的助学体系,做好贫因生的资助工作,已成为制约我国高等教育发展、保障社会公平的瓶颈。 |
It is urgent to enhance competitive power of green trade for expansion export of China's textile clothing corporations under persistent development strategy.
在可持续发展的战略下,中国的纺织服装企业若要扩大出口,在国际市场上占有一席之地,提高绿色贸易竞争力刻不容缓。 |
It is urgent to grasp the value orientation of current economic developments, adhere to the people-centered economic developmental model, and set up and make economic policies in accordance with the vast people's essential benefits.
在落实科学发展观中,如何把握当前经济发展的价值方向,坚持以人为本的经济发展模式,建立和制定符合最广大人民群众根本利益的经济政策已经成为切身紧要的事情。 |
It is urgent to re-examine and re-design elitist education for national building in the context of learning society and global competition.
面对学习型社会中的国家发展和全球化背景下的国际竞争,我们必须重新思考和设计精英教育。 |
It is urgent to share the anti-terrorist information and coordinate harmoniously among the operators, managers and proprietors in different regions and countries.
当务之急是每一个参与的操作手、管理者和经营者之间,尤其是地区之间、国家之间的反恐信息共享和配合默契。 |
It is urgent to solve the problems in the work of anti-money-laundering in commercial banks.
尽快解决我国商业银行在反洗钱工作中存在的问题,成为我国加强反洗钱工作的当务之急。 |
It is us making all the arrangements, our feebleness empowering the time.
所有的安排的始作俑者是我们自身,是我们的孱弱假手于时光这权力。 |
It is used alone Cixin jade colorful, fresh-integrated features, robust layout, black and white, with Qiao Qiao color, the overall art design.
此款正是利用独玉色彩丰富,鲜素于一体的特点,严谨布局,黑白分明,巧用俏色,整体进行艺术设计的。 |
It is used as a preservative in certain acid food products.
在某些酸性食物制品中它被使用作为防腐剂。 |