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Demospec(0): The bone remains that fall out of the eggs are disgusting!

Demonstrators gathered at Chater Garden yesterday afternoon and observed a minute's silence for former premier Zhao Ziyang , who died last Monday, before marching to the Central Government Offices. 游行人士昨午在遮打花园集合,先为周一逝世的赵紫阳默哀一分钟,然后游行至政府总部。
Demonstrators picked an abortion clinic with signs that said “back-alley” butcher. 示威者将一家流产诊所用标语牌围起来,牌子上写着“卑鄙的屠夫”。
Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon. 示威群众企图突破警察的封锁线.
Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future. 用惊吓,恐怖,破坏,暗杀等手段削弱敌人,这才是未来的战争。
Demoralize. Foes suffer -1 penalty on some actions. 打压士气:对手在某些行动上受到-1减值。
Demospec(0): The bone remains that fall out of the eggs are disgusting! 弹痴:那蛋壳中还残留着骨骸,真恶心!
Demote - Players can demote other players in the guild. 降级–该成员能够降低其他成员的工会等级。
Demote - Select a player on the list and hit demoteto demote that player one rank in the guild. 降职–同提拔,不过这次是降低公会等级。
Demoulding mechanism of taper thread and hydraulic pressure side core-pulling mechanism, gating system and other structures were designed for the mold, and the working process of the mould was described in detail. 在模具中设计了圆锥螺纹脱模机构、液压侧抽芯机构、浇注系统和其它结构的设计,以及模具工作过程。
Demron works in two ways, depending on the type of radiation. 底米龙发挥效用的方式有二,因辐射种类而异。
Demurrage, loss of market, and any loss or damage sustained or expense incurred by reason of delay, whether on the voyage or subsequently, and any indirect loss whatsoever, shall not be admitted as general average. 不论是在航程中或其后发生的滞期损失、行市损失和任何因迟延所遭受的损失或支付的费用以及任何间接损失都不得认作共同海损。

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