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Does have an annoying rattle from dashboard though.

Does everyone have proven business experience – often referred to as a “track record”? 是否每个人都有被认可的商务经验—“职场记录”?
Does everyone in this country enjoy free medical care ? 这个国家的每个人都享受免费医疗吗?
Does feminist writing come within the scope of your book? 你这本书是否涉及到女权主义内容?
Does fluoride help prevent cavities? 氟可以防止蛀牙吗?
Does fretting about ducks give people a right to overlook chickens? 替小鸭子发愁,却可以让人天经地义地看轻鸡只?
Does have an annoying rattle from dashboard though. 但汽车仪表板确有恼人的卡嗒声.。
Does he dare (to) go out at night in such stormy weather? 他敢在这样一个暴风雨夜外出吗?
Does he favor one form of government (monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy) over others? 他是否较偏好某种形式的政体(君主政体、贵族政体或民主政体)而多于其他?
Does he have any white shoes? 他有白色的鞋子吗?
Does he have the ability to do the work? 他有能力做这个工作吗?
Does he have to buy a new recorder? 他必须买一台新录音机吗?

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