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[bbe] And if he comes across it, truly I say to you, he has more joy over it than over the ninety-nine which have not gone out of the way.

[bbe] And if a man has given his house as holy to the Lord, then the priest will put a value on it, if it is good or bad; as the priest gives decision so will the value be fixed. 人将房屋分别为圣、归给耶和华、祭司就要估定价值.房屋是好是坏、祭司怎样估定、就要以怎样为定。
[bbe] And if a man has sex relations with a man, the two of them have done a disgusting thing: let them be put to death; their blood will be on them. 人若与男人苟合、像与女人一样、他们二人行了可憎的事、总要把他们治死、罪要归到他们身上。
[bbe] And if a man takes his brother's wife, it is an unclean act; he has put shame on his brother; they will have no children. 人若娶弟兄之妻、这本是污秽的事、羞辱了他的弟兄、二人必无子女。
[bbe] And if a man takes his sister, daughter of his father or his mother, and has sex relations with her and she with him, it is an act of shame: they are to be cut off before the children of their people; he has had sex relations with his sister, and hi 人若娶他的姐妹、无论是异母同父的、是异父同母的、彼此见了下体、这是可耻的事、他们必在本民的眼前被剪除.他露了姐妹的下体、必担当自己的罪孽。
[bbe] And if a man's hair has come out and he has no hair, still he is clean. 人头上的发若掉了、他不过是头秃、还是洁净。
[bbe] And if he comes across it, truly I say to you, he has more joy over it than over the ninety-nine which have not gone out of the way. 若是找著了、我实在告诉你们、他为这一只羊欢喜、比为那没有迷路的九十九只欢喜还大呢。
[bbe] And if he has not money enough for a lamb, then let him give, for his offering to the Lord, two doves or two young pigeons; one for a sin-offering and one for a burned offering. 他的力量若不够献一只羊羔、就要因所犯的罪、把两只斑鸠、或是两只雏鸽、带到耶和华面前为赎愆祭.一只作赎罪祭、一只作燔祭。
[bbe] And if the Lord has delight in us, he will take us into this land and give it to us, a land flowing with milk and honey. 耶和华若喜悦我们、就必将我们领进那地、把地赐给我们、那地原是流奶与蜜之地。
[bbe] And if the man who has given the field has a desire to get it back, let him give a fifth more than the price at which it was valued and it will be his. 将地分别为圣的人、若定要把地赎回、他便要在你所估的价值以外、加上五分之一、地就准定归他。
[bbe] And if the priest sees that all his flesh is covered with the leper's disease, the priest will say that he is clean: it is all turned white, he is clean. 祭司就要察看.全身的肉、若长满了大痲疯、就要定那患灾病的为洁净、全身都变为白、他乃洁净了。
[bbe] And if they do not have faith in you or give ear to the voice of the first sign, they will have faith in the second sign. 又说、倘或他们不听你的话、也不信头一个神迹、他们必信第二个神迹。

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