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He conceded: I am keen to do anything, not resuming training-sessions with Lyon or even leaving for Mali if the club doesn't negotiate with Real.

He concealed his key under the doormat. 他将钥匙藏在门前擦鞋垫下。
He concealed the sweets in his pocket. 他把糖果藏在口袋里。
He conceals his feelings behind a rather stolid manner. 他装作无动於衷的样子以掩盖自己的感情.
He conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance. 他装作若无其事, 藉以掩饰内心的不安.
He conceded us the right to walk through his land. 他允许我们从他的土地上走过去。
He conceded: I am keen to do anything, not resuming training-sessions with Lyon or even leaving for Mali if the club doesn't negotiate with Real. 他宣称:“我将采取一切行动。我不会参加里昂的集训。如果俱乐部不和皇马达成协议,我将回马里。”
He concedes that a case could be made against the war on the grounds of legality, the human cost, unforeseen consequences and so forth. 他承认,要反战可以有种种名头,例如不合法,耗费人力,后果难测等等。
He concedes that there is no proof for any of those theories. But a DNA test could at least settle the question about who lies in the tomb. 他承认目前还没有证据证明任何一种推测的真伪。但是如果进行DNA测试的话,至少可以查出躺在拿破仑坟墓里的人到底是谁。
He conceited to the girl who worked in the shop. 他喜欢上在那间商店工作的女孩。
He conceits himself already a statesman. 他自认他自己已是一位政治家。
He conceive it his duty to help his deceased friend's family. 他认为帮助亡友的家属是他的责任。

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