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For some youngsters showing an interest they can fondly remember the visit of the green goddesses as a key point of their salad days.

For some unknown reason, I really want to hug a big dog, but too bad I don't have one. 不知道为什麽,忽然想抱抱大狗,可惜家里没养狗说。
For some were supposing, because Judas had the money box, that Jesus was saying to him, Buy the things we have need of for the feast; or else, that he should give something to the poor. 约13:29有人因犹大带著钱囊、以为耶稣是对他说、你去买我们过节所应用的东西.或是叫他拿甚麽周济穷人。
For some women marriage is a trap. 对有的妇女来说,婚姻就是一种牵绊.
For some years after his retirement he kept up with a number of his old workmates, but as time went by he dropped them one by one. 退休后的几年里,他还同很多老同事保持着联系,但随着时间的推移,他们的联系就一个一个地中断了。
For some years the people had been murmuring against the government. 几年来人们一直在私下议论政府.
For some youngsters showing an interest they can fondly remember the visit of the green goddesses as a key point of their salad days. 对于一些正有此意的年轻人来说,这些绿装女神们的到访已成为他们的素食日中的亮点,留在他们多情的记忆中。
For some, even a tooth extraction would be unthinkable without them. 对一些人来说,即使拔个牙齿都不能不上麻药。
For some, falling in love is like walking into a soundproof confessional booth, a place where you can tell all. 在有些人看来,坠入爱河就像进入了一个隔音的忏悔室,在那儿你可以倾谈一切。
For some, it's an opportunity to exercise and socialize; for others, it's a once-denied chance to compete. 对于有些人来说,这只是个锻炼身体和进行社会交往的机会;而对于其他一些人来说,这可是个重温“旧梦”的机会。
For some, it's the ultimate all-terrain vehicle. For others, a family car. For us, the Cayenne is one thing only: the next generation of Porsche. 对一些人而言,它是最好的全地形汽车,对其他人则是一辆家庭用车,对我们来说,“辣椒”只是一件事:它是保时捷家族的新一代。
For some, that might mean some time in public service. 对于一些人来说,这可能意味着一些服务公众的机会。

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