The importance of superconductor in the uses of electricity cannot be overestimated.
超导体在电器应用上的重要性不能被估计过高。 |
The importance of the entry into force of all the existing nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties was stressed.
强调现有各项无核武器区条约生效至关重要。 |
The importance of the issue cannot be stressed too much.
这件事情的重要性不能被过分强调。 |
The importance of the philosophical ideology of question lies in the fact that it can bring the raising and resolving of the question to the high plane of philosophy, thus preventing from arbitrariness and embodying the spirit of times.
哲学的问题意识就在于从哲学的角度重视问题的提出和问题的解决过程,以破除独断和昭彰时代精神。 |
The importance of the previous case will then depend not simply on its position within the court hierarchy but upon factors such as the identity and experience of the individual judge or the composition of the bench of judges sitting to hear the case, the
先例的重要性不仅取决于法院的等级,也取决于一下这些因素,例如审理案件的法官本人或者合议庭的素质和经验,在法庭上提出的合法论证,以及每个案件所制定的原则是否已经被法官判决以后的案件所采用。 |
The importance of the ratio of water to uranium in reactor physical design is indicated.
指出了水铀比在反应堆物理设计中的重要性。 |
The importance of this conference cannot be overestimated.
这次会议的重要性无论怎么强调也不过分。 |
The importance of this directly visible side of Dhamma practice cannot be underestimated, as it serves to confirm our confidence in the liberating efficacy of the Buddhist path.
佛法中这一直接可证的侧面,其重要性决不能低估,因为它坚定了我们对于佛法之路解脱效力的信心。 |
The importance of this park derives from its wealth of flora and fauna.
这个国家公园的重要性来自它丰富的植物物种和动物物种。 |
The importance of this session cannot be exaggerated.
这次大会极为重要. |
The importance of tone is limited in the modern shanghainese, especially in the atonic syllables. One marks only the accentuated tones.
由于现代上海话声调作用有限,联拼时候只需标出重读音节,用西班牙语重音符号′,表示去声以外的声调(平声、入声);非重读音节可以不标调。 |