Filial loyalty in America is not as strong as it is in Asia.
在美国孝顺的忠诚行为并不像亚洲这麽强烈。 |
Filing every bit of paper in a precise category, with colour-coded index tabs and a neat system of cross-referencing, will certainly take longer.
而将每份文档精确地归类,使用彩色的索引分别标识,并建立井井有条的参照系统所耗费的时间肯定会多得多。 |
Filings in north-east Asia in particular have boomed as first South Korea and then China have become major industrial economies.
在东北亚地区,随着韩国和中国先后成为主要工业经济体,该地区的申请量增长尤其迅猛。 |
Filip buys an 8mm camera to record the first years of his baby daughter, but his factory bosses decide that it is best used to serve the people, and request that he films various work unit functions.
菲腊花了两个月薪金买下八米厘摄影机,本想纪录刚出生女儿的成长,但厂长却要求他为单位服务,拍摄联欢晚会;误打误撞下,居然给他在电影节里捞了个三奖。 |
Filipino girls line up to practice a dance routine during a training session to become overseas entertainers.
几个菲律宾女孩列队进行一个常规的舞蹈练习,这是一个培养出国演员的培训课程中的一项。 |
Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan pay exorbitant placement fees.
在台湾的菲律宾移工付过高的仲介费。 |
Filipino workers have to file formal complaints against Philippine and Taiwanese private employment agencies for the government to act on their behalf.
菲籍移工必须向政府正式提出对菲国和台湾仲介业者的申诉,以使政府为其伸张权益。 |
Filipinos carrying wooden crosses marched singing a hymn in Tagalog, some in tears.
拿着木制十字架的菲律宾人边走边以塔加洛语唱着诗歌,有些人热泪盈眶。 |
Filippo Surano believes that the noblewoman in Leonard da Vinci's portrait suffered from bruxism, an unconscious habit of grinding the teeth during sleep or periods of mental stress.
费里坡·苏然诺坚信这位达芬奇笔下的贵夫人遭受着磨牙症的困扰——一种在睡眠状态下或神经紧张时发作的不由自主的磨牙行为。 |
Fill a bottle with water through a funnel.
通过漏斗把瓶子注满水。 |
Fill a clean plastic jar ( a peanut-butter jar works well) almost to the top with water. Gently lower each metal nut into the jar and arrange your fish and seaweed.
拿一个塑料瓶将水灌至瓶口附近。轻轻地把每个金属螺母放到罐子里,将这些水草和鱼布置一下。 |