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After a sneak preview of the film they decided to shelve it.

After a six-month probationary period, she was confirmed in her post. 经过六个月的试用期之后,她获准正式得到该职。
After a slight hesitation, he began to speak. 经过一下子的迟疑之后,他开始说话。
After a slow start Lazio gradually improved in form, reaching a peak with the 3-0 win in the Rome derby that hit favourites and sworn enemies AS Roma in the solar plexus. 在联赛初艰难起步后,球队的表现在德比之战的时候达到了颠峰,以3:0干净利落的拦腰砍断了他们不同戴天的敌人——骡马。
After a slow start, Giambi has now reached base in nine of his last 13 plate appearances, a stretch that includes two home runs and a double. 起步比较慢的,技安现在最近十三次打击上垒九次,连续安打包含两支全垒打与一支二垒安打。
After a slow, painful walk down the mountain, Jed came to a cool-looking river. 往下走了一段缓慢辛苦的山路后,杰德来到一条看来很清凉的河流前。
After a sneak preview of the film they decided to shelve it. 该影片在试映后,他们决定把它搁置起来。
After a standout season that saw him rank among the American League leaders in winning percentage (.760, third place), innings pitched (218, fifth place) and complete games (two, sixth place), Wang will be asked to shoulder his share of the load once more 去年球季我们看到他在美联的几项排行榜中名列前茅,胜率0.760,排名第三,投球局数218局,排名第五,完投2场,排名第六,王建民的问题将是他是否能肩负起更大的重任。
After a steady stream of water runs from the faucet, allow it to continue to run for three (3) minutes to purge the tank of air and ensure complete filling of the tank. 在水龙头有稳定的水流出后,让水继续流出三(3)分钟时间,以便排出容器内的空气,确保容器完全注满水。
After a stoppage in play, play will resume on the referee's command and all robots are started simultaneously. 比赛中断后,由裁判鸣哨恢复比赛,所有机器人同时启动。
After a storm comes a calm. 暴风雨后天平静;雨过天晴。
After a storm comes a calm. st. 雨过天晴.

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