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“This film was my boyhood dream, I have a precise mental image of every character,” said Zhang, “I always believed in true heroes.

“This desire to top the table again with Juve, winning back the leadership in Italy and Europe strengthened my motivation. 这种把尤文带回巅峰,重新赢回在意大利和欧洲的领袖地位的渴望加强了我留下的动机.
“This economy has not landed – it has refuelled in mid-flight and is flying higher again,” said Stephen Green, of Standard Chartered bank in Shanghai. 中国经济增速已连续四年超过10%,在此过程中的不同时点,许多经济学家曾做出中国经济将“硬着陆”或“软着陆”的预期。
“This essay is written for the young Taiwanese readers in North America. 这篇文章是写给北美洲台湾人第二代的读者。
“This evidence was admissible to rehabilitate defendant after the prosecutor impeached her by urging that her conduct, i.e., engaging in violent conduct during the relationship, failing to escape the relationship, and fleeing after the killing, was incons “在公诉人检举被告,认为她的行为(牵涉同居暴力、未能脱离同居关系,杀人后逃窜)与她的自卫不相吻合后,受虐妇女综合症这个证据被准许用来为被告平反。
“This false world is but transitory” (William Dunbar). “这个虚幻的世界只是昙花一现”(威廉·邓巴)。
“This film was my boyhood dream, I have a precise mental image of every character,” said Zhang, “I always believed in true heroes. “这部片子是我儿时的梦想,我在脑海里对每个角色都有细致的刻画,”张艺谋说,“我一直相信人世间有真英雄。
“This has been quite an achievement,” said the captain of their return to the top flight despite a nine-point penalty. “这已经是一个相当出色的成就,”带领球队回归顶级联赛的皮队说,尽管他们被罚掉九分。
“This horrible accident won't deter him. He said he wants to go back into space and I will support him all the way. 这次恐怖的事故并不会阻止他。他说他想回到太空,我会全力支持他的。
“This is China being a responsible stakeholder in the world of IDA support,” Mr Zoellick said. 佐立克表示:“这说明中国将在IDA援助体系中成为一个负责任的利益相关者。”
“This is a bit of a hollow victory for Danone,” said one Shanghai-based executive familiar with both companies. “It does not really solve any of the problems they have with the joint venture. “对达能来说,这有点儿像是一场空洞的胜利,”一位驻上海的熟悉两家公司的高级管理人员表示,“这并未解决双方在合资公司方面的任何问题。”
“This is a club which has given me a lot and I want to keep on winning with them,” announced the French international. 这位法国国家队球员称这是一个给了我很多的俱乐部,我希望和他们一同走向更多的胜利.

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