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Most metals are good conductors of electricity, while paper, air and glass are good insulators.

Most men buy roses and boxes of chocolates as gifts. 大多数男士都买玫瑰和巧克力来作为礼物。
Most men rated their carefree teenage years between the age of 16-24 as one of their happiest periods, with an average score of 7.55 out of ten. 大多数男性认为,16至24岁这几年无忧无虑的青少年时光是他们最快乐的时期之一,这一时期的平均得分为7.55分。
Most men with spinal cord injuries have varying degrees of difficulty with erection and ejaculation. 大部分有脊椎神经损伤的男性有不同程度的勃起和射精困难。
Most men, even in this comparatively free country, through mere ignorance and mistake, are so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labors of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked by them. 大多数人,即使是在这个比较自由的国土上的人们,也仅仅因为无知和错误,满载着虚构的忧虑,忙不完的粗活,却不能采集生命的美果。
Most men, even in this comparatively free country, through mere ignorance and mistake, are so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labors of life, that its finer fruits cannot be plucked by them. 即使在这个较为自由的国家,大部分人由于无知跟错误,案牍劳形地专注于粗糙的营生之役,而无法采撷到生命更华美的果实。
Most metals are good conductors of electricity, while paper, air and glass are good insulators. 绝大多数金属都是电的良导体,而纸张、空气、玻璃则是良好的绝缘体。
Most meteors do burn up when they enter the earth's atmosphere, with the exception of the large meteors, which are dragged through the earth's atmosphere by the earth's gravitational pull. 大多数流星在进入地球大气层时就已经被烧化了,除了一些特别大的流星,它们穿过大气层,被地心引力拖了下来。
Most microbes infect catheters by migrating intraluminally from colonized hubs, or extraluminally from colonized skin. 大多数微生物通过从导管注射部位或经皮肤移行入管腔造成感染。
Most microbial components were released at higher rates during the first agitation period than during the following periods. 大部分微生物组成,有很高的比例是在第一次搅动期间,就逸散到空气中,而接下来的重复搅动所产生的生物气胶则较少。
Most microcomputer printers print one character at a time, usually at rates varying from 30 to perhaps 180 characters per second. 多数微型计算机打印机打印一个字符,速率通常是30至180字/每秒。
Most microcomputer users buy a surge protector, a device that separates the computer from the power source of the wall outlet. 大多数微机用户购买浪涌电压保护器,一种将计算机与壁装电源插座的电源分开的设备。

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