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In this paper, a missing data rotative reconstruction algorithms based on rough theory is proposed, and the complexity of the algorithms is analyzed, finally a missing Data reconstruction experiment with a typical dataset is conducted.

In this paper, a linear interpolation method to detect the number of sources impinging on an array is proposed, of which aims to alleviate the effect of colored noise on its performance. 摘要为了减轻加性色噪声对信源数目估计性能的影响,本文提出了一种基于相干矩阵特征值分布曲线线性插值的信号检测方法。
In this paper, a method about contour extraction of regular targets in images is proposed, which is based on an improved rectangle fitting method and a polygon fitting method. 摘要本文基于改进的矩形、椭圆和多边形拟合算法,提出了一种图像中规则目标的轮廓提取算法。
In this paper, a method by the use of the stress-strain relations and the iterative calculation based on the finite element analysis was proposed to reconstruct the elastic modulus distribution from the axial strain distribution of tissues. 本文提出一种利用组织的应力-应变关系和基于有限元分析的迭代计算方法,从组织的纵向应变分布重建出组织的弹性模量分布。
In this paper, a method for evaluating the order of Coriolis force term is suggested by nondimensionalizing the governing equations of tidal current, the scale analyses are made for several typical Chinese bays, the errors due to the neglect of geostrophi 从潮流基本控制方程出发,通过对方程的无因次化,给出评价柯氏力作用大小的方法,并就中国典型的海湾进行尺度分析,量化物理模拟时因地转缺失引起的偏差程度,讨论在这些海域是否可以付诸物理模型试验。
In this paper, a method of emergence and survival of lacked allele is proposed, that is, selecting the characters missed in current population as lack allele set by comparing the character set with genes of the population, implementing simulated mutation 提出一种缺失基因复现和存活的变异方法,即根据字符集中的字符在种群中的缺失作为预选变异基因集,然后对待变异个体集进行预变异;选择高适应度个体的对应变异基因和基因位,使其在原待变异个体集中扩散。
In this paper, a missing data rotative reconstruction algorithms based on rough theory is proposed, and the complexity of the algorithms is analyzed, finally a missing Data reconstruction experiment with a typical dataset is conducted. 摘要提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的缺失数据循环搜索重建算法,分析了算法的复杂性,并选择一个典型数据集进行了缺失数据重建的实验。
In this paper, a mixed integer linear programming is proposed to optimize the infrastructure design and the reverse network flow. 本文提出一个混合整数线性规划模型,优化废旧电器逆向物流的基础设施设计和逆向网络流量。
In this paper, a model with double factors and double parameters for calculating tensile strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is established on the basis of composite material mechanics. 摘要基于复合材料力学理论,建立了双因素、双参数的钢纤维混凝土抗拉强度普适计算模式。
In this paper, a modified Bayesian model was introduced based on analysis of the Bayesian model. 本文在对已有的贝叶斯分类方法进行分析的基础上,对该方法进行了改进。
In this paper, a more effective image analysis method, the ash degree-bad worth symbiosis matrix method for the vein analysis is introduced. 文中介绍更加有效的图像分析方法-灰度-插值共生矩阵纹理分析。
In this paper, a more practical strength criterion equation of concrete in biaxial stress strength is taken into account.The result from this criterion equation agree well with the various test data and empirical curves and hence the equation can be put i 对混凝土在压-压受力破坏时的强度准则进行了研究,在分析中因二轴应力强度不可忽略,最终推导了一个简单的、计及二轴应力强度影响的强度准则公式,该公式与诸多可资利用的试验成果吻合较好,可较好地应用于实际计算之中。

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