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If he wins this big contract for his company,it will be a big feather in his cap.

If he were to compare for you the lifestyle of a person with a Ph.D. to that of a grade school dropout, you might complain that this comparison is not helpful for your decision. 如果他给你用一个拥有博士学位的人的生活方式与一个没有上完小学的人进行比较,你会抱怨这种比较无助于你的决策。
If he were you, he would reconsider my proposal. 他要是你,他会重新考虑我的建议。
If he will accept the nomination , a lot of electors will vote for him . 如果他愿意接受提名,许多选民都会投他的票。
If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand. 3若愿意与他争辩,千中之一也不能回答。
If he wins and it's a big if he'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years. 假使他赢了--是否能赢还是一大疑问--他将是二十年来第一个获胜的英国人。
If he wins this big contract for his company,it will be a big feather in his cap. 假使他能为公司争取到这笔大生意,这将是他的一大功劳。
If he won (which he duly did) he would step aside after serving his term. 假设的前提是(他有着太多的假设)戈登·布朗,他的财政大臣也是其政治上最大竞争者,继任他的位置。
If he would only get his finger out we would get the job done in half the time. 如果他能不再浪费时间,迅速开始工作,我们就可以用一半的时间把工作做完。
If he's SMARTER than you, he is GREAT . 如果他比你聪明,他就是有智慧!
If he's as smart as he says, why did the cops catch him? 如果他真像他自已说的那样聪明绝顶,他怎麽会被警察抓住呢?
If he's discussing the new chip inside a computer, a slide in the background will show a colorful image of the chip itself alongside the product. 如当他谈论计算机内部的新芯片时,背景就会在产品边上配上一张色彩丰富的芯片图片。

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