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Arrival/ departure transport with time, i.e. by train, by air, by bus, etc.

Arrighi, G. Labour Supplies in Historical Perspective: A Study of the Proletarianization of the African Peasantry in Rhodesia.Journal of Development Studies 6 (1970). 历史观点中的劳动力供应:津巴布韦非洲裔农民的无产阶级化研究〉,《发展研究学报》第6期(1970)。
Arrival L.A .in the evening. 结束愉快而充实的假期。
Arrival date of relevant documents (including Ocean bills of lading, Airway bill, Declaration Forms and other shipping documents) at CIETC office ------ before cargo arrival destination port for 10 days. 相关运输文件(包括海运提单、空运运单、暂准进口展览报关清单等其他文件)寄达CIETC的时间------请于货物到达目的港10天前送至中国国际展览运输有限公司。
Arrival in New York City, tour escort will meet you at the baggage claim area and transfer to hotel. 由原居地搭乘豪华班机飞往纽约市,抵达后在行李领取处,接往酒店休息。
Arrival in New York: Learning to answer many types of questions; saying what you re doing, where you re going, for how long and with whom. 学习如何回答各种各样的问题:包括职业、目的地、逗留时间和同行人员。
Arrival/ departure transport with time, i.e. by train, by air, by bus, etc. 到达及离开间(交通工具),火车,飞机或汽车。
Arrive Beijing rep pleasant. 已到北京,旅途愉快。
Arrive Lhasa at 21:30. Tour will be greeted at train station and transferred to the hotel for acclimatization. 30抵达拉萨,火车站接团,下榻酒店休息(高原适应性休息).
Arrive at Taiyuan(a.m.05:18),set off from Taiyuan to Wutai Mountain(240KM,4hours)by bus, on the travel visit Home of Yanxishan(entrance fees 45yuan/per)arrive at Wutai mountain,after lunch visit the top of Bodhisattva(5yuan/per) ,Xiantong Temple(6yuan/per 早05:18抵达太原,早07:00出发乘车赴五台山(240KM,4小时左右),途中游览阎锡山故居(门票自理45元)抵达五台山,午餐后参观菩萨顶(5元)、显通寺(6元)、龙泉寺(4元)、五爷庙、镇海寺。
Arrive at University of Maryland. 抵达马里兰大学。
Arrive at third Olympiad holding in USA Saint-Louis city on October 29th on July 1 , 1904. 1904年7月1日到10月29日在美国圣路易城举行的第三届奥运会。

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