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Although he has come under attack and has been considered ambitious, none of them are strong enough to make him give up on his dreams.

Although he had tried his best to perform on the popular TV show, his performance, however, was nothing to write home about. 译文:虽然他已经尽力在受欢迎的电视秀上表演,但他的表演却是不足称道的。
Although he has become a symbol of the legendary Wild West, Billy the Kid was born on New York City's East Side, in 1859 or 1860. 虽然他是蛮荒西部的代表人物,但是比利小子却是于1859年或1860年在纽约市东区出生的。
Although he has been booked eight times since, his demeanour has changed and you are more likely to see him laughing with officials and helping opposition players up from the ground. 虽然他从那以后得了8张黄牌,他的行为却改变了,你更多地看到他微笑面对官员,帮助对手球员从球场上站起来。
Although he has been cheered for most of his career, the fans have begun to boo the American Badass as of late. 送葬者向来都以他留下的种种纪录自傲,然而有摔角迷胆敢因为送葬者现在体力速度不如前而开始对他发出嘘声!
Although he has been described as gangly and ungainly, he has silenced his critics with two outstanding performances in recent pre-World Cup ‘friendlies' against Hungary and Jamaica. 虽然他被称为是瘦高笨拙,但他在与匈牙利和牙买加为对手的近期的世界杯中的卓越表现令评论者哑口无言。
Although he has come under attack and has been considered ambitious, none of them are strong enough to make him give up on his dreams. 虽然人们攻击他,认为他有野心,但没有一种攻击足以使他放弃自己的追求。
Although he has denied poking fun at his ex wife, he admitted that he knew people would read too much into the line, believing it to be a joke aimed at Jolie‘s adoption of Cambodian baby Maddox. 尽管桑顿否认这是在调侃前妻,但他承认观众可能会对剧中台词有所误会,认为这是在影射茱莉收养柬埔寨孤儿马克斯。
Although he has done some training this week, the England defender will need to step up his fitness programme significantly if he is to have a chance of turning out against Chelsea at the new Wembley on May 19. 虽然本周他已经开始了部分训练,如果想要参加5月19号的决赛的话这位英格兰国家还得加快他的身体康复计划。
Although he has long been dogged by rumors that he supported the fascist regime of Francisco Franco, he actually served in the medical corps of the Republican Army (which opposed Franco during Spain's civil war) while he was a medical student. 虽然传言不断,说他支持法朗哥的法西斯政权,但实际上他在当医学生时,曾加入共和军的医疗部队,而共和军在西班牙内战时,可是与法朗哥敌对的。
Although he has never been to that city before, he knew its history long time ago. 他虽然从未到过那个城市,却早已了解了它的历史了。
Although he has origins in Norse and pre-Christian mythology, Santa Claus took shape in the United States. 虽然他起源于挪威人和基督教以前的神话,但在美国,圣诞老人被赋予了具体形象。

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