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MySQL User Defined Function (UDF) to provide geographic distance calculations - that is to calculate the distance between two points of latitude and longitude.

My zeal wears me out, for my enemies ignore your words. 139我心焦急、如同火烧、因我敌人忘记你的言语。
My)business will be ruined! 我的)生意将会是毁灭的!
My/His/Her favourite fruit is bananas. 我(他、她)最喜欢的水果是香蕉.
My? mood is very bad, and I am full of guilt and grieve with my heart. I cann't forgive my mistake. 我的心情非常难过,内心充满了内疚和痛楚,我无法原谅自己的过错。
My?heart dies , a slow death. 我的心已死,是一种慢慢的死.
MySQL User Defined Function (UDF) to provide geographic distance calculations - that is to calculate the distance between two points of latitude and longitude. 提供地理距离计算-也就是计算纬度和经度上的两点间的距离。
MyST_BT4: Nobody, I play by myself with my own style. 没人,我就自己玩,打出自己的风格。
MySpace is lobbying for a federal law requiring convicted sex offenders to register their e-mail addresses to make it easier to screen them from membership websites used by young people. MySpace正在申请在联邦法律中加入条款,规定曾被判的性犯罪者必须提供电子邮件地址,以此来保障能够在面向青少年开发的网站上将其相关信息屏蔽。
Myanmar has a total of 13 main border trade points with its four neighboring countries. 缅甸与其毗邻四国共有13个主要贸易口岸。
Myanmar has rich natural resources, yet is Southeast Asia's second-poorest nation. 缅甸拥有丰富的天然资源,却是东南亚第二贫穷的国家。
Mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by submerged culture of various edible mushrooms under different media. 中译:数种可食用真菌于含不同媒介之液态培养基中的菌丝体生长与外生物大分子的产生。

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