Mum: You remember Mark. You used to play in his paddling pool. His is a barrister.Very well off .
妈妈:你还记得马克吧。你以前常在他家的娃娃泳池里玩。他现是个律师,很有钱的。 |
Mum:I'm busy now .Tell your daddy.
妈妈:我现在忙着呢,告诉你爸爸吧。 |
Mum:What about your homework?
妈妈:但你的家庭作业怎么办呢? |
Mumbai has always been a chaotic city: witness its authorities' utter inability to cope with monsoon flooding last year.
孟买从来就是一个混乱的城市:从去年面对季风洪水时其政府十足的无能表现我们可窥一般。 |
Mumbai is one of India's filthiest cities. Piles of garbage litter main roads and people can be seen spitting while walking on public roads.
「员工如果以为没人在看,就会随地吐痰、乱丢垃圾。当我们把照片张贴出来后,大家都会知道(他们做了什麽事)。」他说。 |
Mumble can t sing, but he sure can dance!
但它跳舞可是一流的! |
Mumble can't sing, but he sure can dance!
因为小企鹅孟堡不能唱歌,但他确信会跳舞! |
Mumble: Hey, what's on your leg?
嘿,你腿上那个是什么? |
Mumble: They could have eaten you.
它们本可以把你给吃了的。 |
Mummy angry with papa, dun want to buy him birthday cake today.
今天是爸爸的生日?妈咪买蛋糕啦! |
Mummy treats me just like a baby, which I can't bear.
妈把我看得简直像3岁小孩,我真受不了。 |