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But more than anything, Iverson is tough, and fearless.

But more notably, the new nationalists pursue a growing range of contemporary demands as well, including control of a disputed island chain in the oil-rich East China Sea, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. 然而更引人注目的是,新的民族主义者们同时有着不断增加的现实目标,包括控制在富含石油的东海中的一系列有争议的岛链,日称尖阁列岛,中国叫做钓鱼岛。
But more recent increases have pushed the rate up to a level where it may inflict damage. 不过,最近这几次提高标准已经使其达到了一个可能引起危害的水平。
But more recently he has called the ruling settled law. 但是最近他已要求定下这个法律,???
But more significantly, from net immigration. 更重要的净移民。
But more tests are needed. 更多的调查检测正在进行中。
But more than anything, Iverson is tough, and fearless. 不过最重要的是,艾佛逊很强悍,而且一无所惧。
But more than that, he got the air rights over the prestigious jewelry store. 不过更重要的是,他得到了这家名望卓著的珠宝店上空的空间所有权。
But more to the point of turning man's gaze from an arms race to a space race -- well, our next release is exactly that. 但更重要的是把人类的焦点从武器竞赛转移到太空竞赛上─而接下来所要发表的正是这样的东西。
But most Americans do not go that far to celebrate the day named for Saint Valentine He was an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers. 很久以前,圣·瓦伦丁是基督教的一名传教士,据说他成全了许多青年男女。
But most Republicans are keeping their distance, and his book is selling very slowly. 但是多数共和党员尽量与德来保持距离,而他自传的销售也并不很好。
But most acknowledge it was at least 75,000 years ago. 但大部分的共识是至少在75,000年前。

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