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The monthly amount to be paid for the Work shall equal the percentage of Work incorporated into the Project since the last billing period, certified by the Owner, times the sum of the Cost of Work and the General Conditions Costs (calculated in the manner

The month and year of origination is the first date of publication of the data sheet. 其中的年月是第一版数据手册的出版日期。
The month before last, I had visited the Islamic Museum in Kuala Lumpur. 上上月我参观了科伦坡的穆斯林博物馆。
The month had theoretically 30 days (tithi), and the day (divasa) 30 hours (muhurta). 理论上一个月有30天(提泰),一天有30小时(默哈塔)。
The month lacks when I think you, When month circle I read you, Regardless of the month full moon lacks, My heart like that permanent ancient invariable moonlight, Is following you silently! 月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光,默默地追随着你!
The month, counted from Full Moon to Full Moon, was divided into two halves (paksa, wing) of waning (krsna) and waxing (sukla) Moon, and a special ritual (darsapurnamasa, new and full moon rites) was prescribed on the days of New Moon (amavasya) and Full 月份,由满月开始算起,到下一个满月为止,分成二等分(帕卡撒):下弦月(卡斯那)和上弦月(苏卡拉),还有特别的典礼(达撒普那玛撒,“新月和满月的典礼”),规定在新月(阿玛瓦斯雅)的日子和满月(普尼玛斯)的日子举行。
The monthly amount to be paid for the Work shall equal the percentage of Work incorporated into the Project since the last billing period, certified by the Owner, times the sum of the Cost of Work and the General Conditions Costs (calculated in the manner 每月为工程支付的数额应相当于自经业主确认的上次的收费期间收纳入项目的工程的百分比,乘以本次收费期间工程造价和一般条件造价(按书面授权书上所列的方式计算)的数额,加上费用的一定比例(按书面授权书上所列的方式计算),再从工程造价、一般条件造价和费用减去百分之五(5%)作为滞留金以及先钱付款的百分之百(100%)。
The monthly rent is 150 dollars, inclusive of light and water. 每月租金一百五十美元,包括水电费在内。
The monthly rent is$20 inclusive of everything. "月房租总共二十美元,包括一切费用在内。"
The monthly rental fee is forty-two thousand Hong Kong dollars. 每月租金为港币四万二千元.
The monthly report to the client shows zero schedule variance. 给客户的月席报告表明进度偏差为零。
The months came and went, and back and forth they twisted through the uncharted vastness, where no men were and yet where men had been if the Lost Cabin were true. 时间一个月一个月地过去,他们穿行在地图上没标过的荒山野岭中,这里渺无人烟,但要是那个不明小屋确实存在的话,那一定有人到过这里。

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