Law and equity are things which god hatch joined, but which man has put asunder.
法律与平等,是上帝给结合在一起的东西,人却把它们拆开了。 |
Law and order is vital to a country.
法律和秩序对一个国家很重要。 |
Law belief: the pith and marrow of law lies in how to combine and use it.
个人法律信念:法律的精髓在于如何组合和运用! |
Law can nerver be enforced unless fear supports it.
如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。 |
Law can never be enforced unless fear supports it.
如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它决不能生效。 |
Law does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform.
法律不会强迫一个人去做他不可能做到的事。 |
Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.
法律的强制执行不可避免玩忽职守。 |
Law enforcement laughs at victims' stories. The courts call mind control allegations trivialand don't allow victims to present evidence.
执法机构嘲笑受害者的故事。法院认为精神控制的断言“微不足道”,并不允许受害者呈交证据。 |
Law experts and sociologists in Japan also believe jail capacity would be facing big challenge and lifers would be huge burden for government, once DS is gone.
日本一些法律和社会问题专家也认为,一旦废除死刑,日本监狱将人满为患,被终生监禁的犯人将成为政府的巨大负担。 |
Law firms and lawyers shall pay tax in accordance with law.
律师事务所和律师应当依法纳税。 |
Law firms and lawyers shall pay tax in accordance with the law.
律师事务所和律师应当依法纳税。 |