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A typology of experts (what contemporary social workers call a referral guide) is thus part of the generally relevant and accessible stock of knowledge, while the knowledge that constitutes expertise is not.

A typical scenario is that you have been using a notebook or Tablet PC on the battery for several months and you notice that it does not last as long on a single full charge as it used to. 一个典型的情况是你在电池模式下使用笔记本或者掌上电脑几个月后,你将会留意到电池充满电以后持续使用时候不如以前一样长。
A typical schedule might consist of 15 hours of classes per week with the rest of the time free for research and study. 通常的(课程)进度表大概包括每周15课时,而余下时间可自由进行研究和学习。
A typical solution is to simplify it. 简化是处理管理复杂性的一种基本思路。
A typical stop-go cycle starts with a localised increase in demand, which in turn leads to higher wages, lost competitiveness and finally to a protracted downturn. 这种周期以本土需求增长肇始,然后是高工资、低竞争力,最后以衰退告终。
A typical timing belt is made of neoprene (synthetic rubber) reinforced with fiberglass. 一条典型的正时皮带由用玻璃纤维加强的氯丁橡胶(合成橡胶)做成的。
A typology of experts (what contemporary social workers call a referral guide) is thus part of the generally relevant and accessible stock of knowledge, while the knowledge that constitutes expertise is not. 专家的类型学(社工的转介工作)是接近知识仓储以及与知识仓储普遍相关的一部分,然而知识建构的专业却不是如此。
A tyre burst during the second run. 在第二段赛程中一只轮胎爆了。
A tyre expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎一打气就鼓起来.
A ual government deficit must not exceed 3 per cent of GDP. 每年政府的财政赤字必须低于国内生产总值的3%。
A ual meeting where Ministers meet to develop and fund work programs for the committees. 部长们为发展和支持委员会工作计划而每年举行的会议。
A ume the reader is a knowledgeable layman. 要假设合同的读者是一个受过教育的外行。

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