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Why you stay indoors on a beautiful day like this defeats me!
天气这样好你却呆在屋里, 真叫人莫名其妙!

Why you been out on that wharf so long,Clara?... 你怎么在码头那里待这么久,克拉拉?
Why you captive my heart easily but i can't draw your sight close to me? 为什么你轻易俘虏我的心,我却难以将你的目光拉近?
Why you have so many grey hair? 你为什么有这么多白头发?
Why you shave off your beard?You're just another guy without beard! 白晶晶:你把胡子剃光干什么?你知不知道你少了胡子一点性格都没有了?
Why you should be so serious? 你怎么一副正经八百的样子?
Why you stay indoors on a beautiful day like this defeats me! 天气这样好你却呆在屋里, 真叫人莫名其妙!
Why!I have nothing to confess. What is it that you want me to say? 嗨!我没有什么可供认的,你究竟想让我说什么?
Why!why!The cage is empty! 啊!啊!箱子是空的。
Why'd I go wasting all your time? 为什么我要一直浪费你的时间?
Why'd you break up with her? 你为何和她分手?-----《月吟》
Why'd you come find me at the pub? 为什么要到酒馆找我?

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