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These tyres enable the Phantom Drophead Coupé to run for at least 100 miles / 160 km at speeds up to 50 mph / 80 km/h before being replaced.

These types of cramps can occur due to many factors. 这种现象可能由很多不同的条件造成。
These types of cramps usually effect the smaller muscle groups such as the jaw, eyelids, larynx, etc. 这种抽筋通常发生在小肌群,比如下颚、眼皮、喉部等。
These types of dog often have eye problems. 这种狗的眼睛很多都有毛病.
These types of squirrels might be the common host for the disease. 这些类型的松鼠可能是这种疾病的共同宿主。
These typifications are substantively empty projections, almost completely devoid of individualized content, whereas the typifications of predecessors gave at least some such content, albeit of a highly mythical sort. 实际上,这些类型化是空泛的投射,几乎完全没有个体化的内涵。而先人的类型化至少还有一些个体化的内涵,尽管是高度虚构的。
These tyres enable the Phantom Drophead Coupé to run for at least 100 miles / 160 km at speeds up to 50 mph / 80 km/h before being replaced. 这种轮胎使幻影软顶敞篷车在更换轮胎前,可在50英里/小时/80公里/小时速度下至少行使100英里/160公里。
These tyres will stand up to even the roughest wear and tear. 这些轮胎能经得起最厉害的磨损与撕拉。
These uncertainties may not be enough in themselves to scupper a deal, but there is a risk that regulators will discriminate against the RBS offer on the grounds of complexity. 这些不确定性可能不足以推翻这次交易,但是可能会导致监管当局以过于复杂为由否定苏格兰皇家银行的报价。
These underlined words will make God the central thought, and lead you to a new worship of Him. 当你不畏难不嫌麻烦的,将关于神的不同的名字都划出来的时候,你就要看见,本来颇难领会的章节,现在都要发出亮光来了。
These undeveloped nations also imported large amounts of capital to help their agriculture and their expansion of industrial production. 这些发展中国家也吸收了大量资本来改善其农业状况和扩张工业生产力。
These unique, futuristic creatures are one of the friendliest, most social signs. 因为他们是所有星座里最友好,最善交际的。

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