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I really tire out after close the job everyday.

I really realized that a realm came into reality. 我真地认识到一个王国已变成现实.
I really sweated over my last essay . 我的确下功夫写了上次那篇文章。
I really sweated over my last essay. 我的确下功夫写了上次那篇文章。
I really sympathize with you, but this time, I cannot help. 我同情你,但是这次是帮不了你了。
I really think Novak will replace Padgett in the rotation very soon. 帕吉特,赶快犯规下场吧,这样诺瓦克就可以上场了。
I really tire out after close the job everyday. 每天下了班,我都筋疲力尽。
I really very want to summon you in this tranquil nighttime sky. 我真的很想在这宁静的夜空里呼唤你。
I really want to find a person to accompany me when I feel lonely, no matter how abustle life is, I can have a meal with him. 当我寂寞时,真想找个陪伴我的人,不管生活多忙碌,我能和他一起用餐。
I really want to find the red tie for the party tonight, and I'm sure it must be lurking about . I have to find it. 我还是想带那个红领带去参加今晚的聚会,我相信它一定在什么地方放着呢。我得找到它。
I really want to give it a hug. 真想和它拥抱一下。
I really want to go and take a look at. 真想将来有机会去看一看。

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