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The disclosure of visa information by the Department is governed by the Privacy Act 1988.

The disciples went and woke him, saying, Lord, save us! We're going to drown! 25门徒来叫醒了他,说,主阿,救我们,我们丧命啦。
The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. 门徒称为基督32徒,是从安提阿起首。
The disciples were in doubt: How can he break his promise? 可是一向强调信实的孔子却说﹕「被要胁而签下的盟约,当然可以不遵守。」
The discipline explores how to process, classify, understand all kinds of media information, and research on how to build intelligent systems and devices, and enhance performance of systems, which regards sensors as information resources, the theory and t 本学科以传感器为信息源,以信息处理与模式识别的理论技术为核心,以数学方法与计算机为主要工具,探索对各种媒体信息进行处理、分类、理解,并在基础上构造具有某些智能特征的系统或装置的方法、途径与实现,以提高系统的性能。
The disclosure of the letter resulted in the main backers of the program bowing out and the eventual demise of the center. 这个公开信导致这个项目的主要支持者退出并最终停止建立该中心。
The disclosure of visa information by the Department is governed by the Privacy Act 1988. 按1988年通过的隐私法,该部将公开签证信息。
The disclosure principle holds that a company's financial state-ments should report enough information for outsiders to make knowledgeable decisions about the company. 充分披露原则是指公司的财务报表应报告充足的信息,以使外界人士能够据此作出有关公司的正确决策。
The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chance for public office. 公开他曾坐牢一事断送了他谋求在政府机构任职的机会。
The disco bouncer threw out four drunk teenagers. 迪斯科舞厅的保镖把四个酒醉的青少年赶出去。
The disco was a confusion of loud noises. 迪斯科舞厅一片混乱 的喧吵的噪音.
The discontent of the people gave rise to much trouble. 人们的不满引起了许多麻烦。

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