Daiwan's economic outlook is good for the year 2000, with over 6% of growth.
台员今年耶景气应该是卡看好,经济成长率会超过六葩仙。 |
Daiwan's eel farming industry, once the leader in the world, is facing increasingly stiff competition from China, which has driven the market price from NT$650/kg down to $NT160.
台员饲鳗业耶才无外久晋前伫世界排头先耶,乎中国拼一下本来一公斤卖六百五十箍到担偆无百六。 |
Daiwanlang are now trivializing China's verbal threats by rallying (up 357 points) at the stock market yesterday in response to China's second-hand ultimatum on unification or invasion by the year 2003.
中国噜叫香港媒体放风声讲二孔孔三年若无统一道欲啪,台员郎噜毋惊。昨方颠倒欲乎股市大起三百五七七点,安捏卡好蹭。 |
Daizu's dances are rich and colorful with dancer's body and arms up and down, supple and hard movements, holding breath, contracting abdominal muscle, sticking out chest and combination of head with eye's expression which make it a strong and unique.
傣族的舞蹈丰富多彩,以身体和手臂的起伏,柔中带刚的动作韵律,加上提气、收腹、挺胸和头部、眼神的巧妙配合,使其具有浓郁而独特的民族风格。 |
Dakota Moss: Why does he want to kill me? Who am I to him? Who am I?
达科塔·摩丝:为什么他想杀死我?对于他来说我是谁?我到底是谁? |
Dalai Lama: No, not now.
不,不是现在。 |
Dalaran will be up there, of course, so we'll either see the Violet Citadel make a return, or another Mage-based faction.
达拉然当然就在那里,所以我们可以看见紫罗兰城应该回归,或者会有另一个法师世界。 |
Dale W. Jorgenson. Information Technology and the U. S.Economy[J] .The American Economic Review,Vol.91 No. 1.
林水源.新经济自由主义与美国的新经济[J].世界经济,1999(6). |
Dale and G?del seem to be kindred spirits in this point, with Hayekian knowledge theory.
在这一点上,达尔似乎和哥德尔心心相通,拥有哈耶克式的知识论。 |
Dale has a profound doubt about rationality; therefore he has never or daren't construct a perfect form system to build a perfect democracy.
达尔对理性抱有深深的疑虑,因而不曾也不敢建构一个完美的形式系统以建构完美民主。 |
Dale knocked up two girls during his senior years of high school.
戴尔在高中三年级时让两个女孩怀了孕。 |