Combinatorial chemistry is now playing important role in the research of the natural products.
组合化学技术在天然产物的研究中起著越来越重要的作用。 |
Combinatorial chemistry is used in tandem with high-throughput screening to identify compounds that bind to a therapeutic target protein and are thus potential new drugs.
组合化学与大规模筛选相结合用于识别与治疗用靶蛋白结合的化合物即潜在新药。 |
Combinatorial chemistry strategies depend on the size and diversity of the library to be designed, the availability and cost of the reagents (building blocks), and the type of chemical syntheses being attempted.
组合化学策略依赖于欲构建文库的大小、和多样性,试剂的有效性和成本和化学合成的类型。 |
Combinatorial key stratum is the development of key stratum in shallow coal seam, it has the all properties of key stratum and itself ’s property.
摘要在分析组合关键层有关参数的基础上,推导出了组合关键层初次来压步距和周期来压步距的计算公式。 |
Combine a traditional 4 cavity edge gate and a 4 cavities reverse gate mould which help to double the moulding capacity and reduce production cost.
将一个标准四模腔大水口模具与一个四模腔倒转大水口模具结合成为一套可于同一大小的注塑机,生产量可增加一倍的层板模具,并且可降低成本。 |
Combine all ingredients except egg whites and pour into ice cream machine, churn until mixture starts to thicken, approx. 30 minutes.
将蛋白之外所有材料混在一起放入冰激凌机,搅约30分钟,直至开始变稠,将蛋白倒入搅30分钟,放入可封器皿,封好放入冷冻箱至凝固即可食用。 |
Combine all of these with pain, pleasure, sexual stimulation and body-driven emotional complexes.
把所有这些和痛苦、快乐、性刺激和由身体驱动的感情的综合组合在一起。 |
Combine all the ingredients in large bowl of electric mixer, beat at low speed until the mixture combined.
将所有材料放入面团搅拌盆里,低速拌至面团成型。 |
Combine all-purpose flour, semolina, baking powder, ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture. Blend in milk and raisins.
中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。倒入牛奶和提子拌匀。 |
Combine clam juice mixture, clam-tomato juice cocktail, potatoes, bell peppers, scallions and black pepper in large saucepan; heat to a boil.
将蚬汁水﹐蕃茄汁﹐马钤薯﹐青椒﹐青葱及胡椒粉一同放入大煲煮滚。 |
Combine egg whites with 100g sugar. Whip till foamy and soft like cream. Slowly pour into ginger egg yolk batter in 3 portions. Gently mix well to make souffle batter.
蛋白混和100克糖,打至起泡,软如忌廉。然后分3次,慢慢倒进姜汁蛋黄浆内,轻轻拌匀,制成梳乎厘浆。 |