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Beep-pager was peculiar ten years ago but discarded nowadays.

Been crying since the day,the day you went away. 自从你离开的那天起我就一直在哭泣。
Been restricted on interest rate for long time, the domestic commercial banks are all weak in loan pricing, such as (1)The loan pricing not been involved in the decision mechanism of credit; (2) Lacking of risk price ration system; (3) Mismatching between 由于长期的利率管制,我国商业银行的贷款定价管理十分薄弱,主要体现为①贷款定价未被纳入信贷决策机制中;②缺乏定量化的定价系统;③利率浮动的幅度未能反映借款人的信用水平及贷款项目的风险程度。
Been webbing could make sad ones happy,and happy ones sad,and sad ones worse,and happy ones better. 网络可以让开心的人悲伤,让悲伤的人开心;也可以让开心的人更开心,让悲伤的人更悲伤。
Been wondering Just how many template engines does PHP have? 因为正在困惑“PHP到底一共有多少种模版引擎呢?”
Beep, beep, beep. Then the text comes: President Bush calls for a timetable for the withdrawal of the Iraqi people from Iraq. 嘟--嘟--嘟!短信来了:“布什总统拟订将全体伊拉克人赶出伊拉克的时间表。”
Beep-pager was peculiar ten years ago but discarded nowadays. 十年前,寻呼机挺少见的,现在太不稀罕了。
Beep-pager was rarely seen ten years ago,now it is not rarity. 十年前,寻呼机挺少见的,现在太不稀罕了。
Beer buyers were more likely to buy frozen dinners, cold cuts, pork, mutton, crisps, sugary products, butter, margarine and soft drinks. 而购买啤酒的顾客更青睐冷冻食品、冷盘、猪肉、羊肉、薯片、甜食、黄油、人造黄油和软饮料等。
Beer cans and abandoned clothing speckled the lawn outside #9 - a scene not unfamiliar to your average college student, if this were the aftermath of a frat party. 啤酒罐,丢弃的衣服在9号外的草坪上星罗棋布----如果这是兄弟会聚会的残局遗骸,这该是你们普通大学生熟悉的一幕。
Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex. 啤酒不会对你的性生活指手画脚.
Beer has a very distinctive smell. 啤酒有一种特殊的味道。

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