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Look intently into the face of a baby.

Look in the TV guide to see what's on. 看看电视节目表上有什麽节目?
Look in the catalog and see if the library has that book. 查查目录,看看图书馆有没有那本书。
Look in the eyes of the ones you love when you are talking to them. 与你爱的人交谈时,看着他(她)们的眼睛。
Look in the small ads to if anyone have a computer for sale. 看一下小型广告,是否有人出售电子计算机。
Look in their eyes when you talk to them. 当你和他们说话的时候 , 用眼睛看着他们。
Look intently into the face of a baby. 凝视一个婴孩的脸庞。
Look into alternate means of supporting your financial burdens. 多找一些途径支持自己的经济负担。
Look into attending seminars that can expand your perception. 考虑参加一些研讨会来扩充自己。
Look into career choices and courses being offered. 狮子座:好好考虑一下眼前的职业机会和课程。
Look into the distance green banboos Yin show , the shaddock tree of short sightedness becomes forest, shaddock April flower floats on 4 open soundly to overflow, in August, branch fruit is numerous , and then matches so as straight Dong palm, fully the v 远眺翠竹隐现,近视柚子树成林,柚子4月花开香飘四溢,8月枝头果实累累,再配以挺拔的董棕,满园的菜畦,和一幢幢新式傣家竹楼,组成了一幅秀丽的画卷,故有“农村天然公园”的美称。
Look into the root theoretical basis for these differences and further expounds the specific requirements in the way of articulation for such varied types as mass chorus, artistic chorus, chorus of folk songs and chorus of Chinese ancient music. 造成这种差异与不同的深层理论依据,在此基础上进一步阐述了群众合唱、艺术节合唱、民歌合唱、古典合唱等各种类型中国合唱音乐作品在演唱用声方法上的具体要求。

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