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Motivate Yourself. Get the motivation when things get tough. Check out 20 Motivation Hacks for some good ways to do that.

Motion is provided by thought - not muscles. 运动是由思想而非肌肉发起。
Motion of the soft tissue in the mouth and throat that is involved during inhalation through the nose causes a scoop in the pitch that is very difficult to control. 通过鼻子吸气过程中引起的嘴中和喉咙运动的细微变化会造成音频变动,并十分难以控制。
Motion pictures in this category may contain violence, coarse language or sexually suggestive scenes. 这类电影可能会含有暴力、粗言和色情镜头。
Motion pictures in this category will contain horror, explicit violence, frequent coarse language or scenes that are more sexually suggestive than in the 14A category. 这类电影会含有恐怖,明显的暴力、频繁的粗言或多于14A类的色情镜头。
Motion-aid Device Workshop is a fabrication center for custom made limb prosthesis, orthosis, and paramedical shoe insert. 行动辅具制作室:为电脑辅助制造义肢;支架、医疗用鞋垫及三次元足形自动量测;选样系统研发;足底压力量测、分析。
Motivate Yourself. Get the motivation when things get tough. Check out 20 Motivation Hacks for some good ways to do that. 激励自己。当你变得消极时,不要忘记为自己加油鼓气,激励自己。
Motivate and delegate retail staff to achieve best team effort. 有效分配组织零售人员,并培养良好的团队精神。
Motivate and withstand higher working pressure. 个性积极,愿意承受压力.敢于克服困难.
Motivate creative staffs to achieve high level of creativity and productivity and to ensure Creative Departments true function and value are optimised. 激励部门员工在创造力和生产力上达到高标准,确认部门功能完善运作。
Motivate the students' love for our homeland. 激发学生的爱国热情。
Motivate your anger to make them realize. 刺激你的愤怒去实现他们。

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