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I couldn't clean my teeth. I forgot my toothbrush.

I couldn't believe that; I thought that was Communist propaganda. 这令我难以置信;我曾以为那只是共产党的宣传。
I couldn't believe the banality of the question. 我无法相信那个问题的庸俗。
I couldn't bend my knees, so I was drudging along with the poles. 我不能弯曲我的膝盖,我用杆子艰难行进。
I couldn't care for him to join the club, because he is sort of mischievous. 我不愿让他参加俱乐部,因为他有点捣蛋。
I couldn't cipher out why she was there. 我搞不清她为什么会在那儿。
I couldn't clean my teeth. I forgot my toothbrush. 我忘记带牙刷,没办法刷牙。
I couldn't convince him of his mistake. 我无法使他认识到自己的错误。
I couldn't decide whether to apply for the job and by the time I did I had missed the bus because they had already appointed somebody else. 我原先不能决定是否要申请这一工作,然而等我申请时,我已失去了机会,因为他们已经任命了其他人。
I couldn't depict my feeling in words at that time. 我无法用语言来描述我当时的感受。
I couldn't describe temporal feelings on words. 我无法用语言来描述我当时的感受。
I couldn't disguise my anger. 我怒形于色.

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