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The firecracker went off and scared Jack's dog.

The fireball overtakes family hoping to escape before they even get in the truck. 一家人还没来得及坐进卡车里,火球便摧毁他们逃生的希望。
The fireboat went to the buring ship. 消防艇向那艘燃烧着的船开去。
The firebrand striker's comeback injected vigour into the Reds' performances, most notably in the 7-1 thrashing of Roma, in which Smith scored his only goal of the campaign. 这位充满热情的前锋的归来把活力注入了球队的表现中,在7-1屠杀罗马一役表现的尤为明显,这场比赛史密斯的进球也是他赛季的唯一入球。
The firecracker fizzled but didn't explode. 鞭炮发嘶嘶声但是没有爆炸。
The firecracker fizzled instead of exploding with a bang. 鞭炮发嘶嘶声但是没有爆炸。
The firecracker went off and scared Jack's dog. 爆竹响了,吓了杰克的狗一跳。
The firefighter broke into the house to rescue the old lady. 消防员闯入房子去救那位老太太。
The firefighters couldn't control the fire before the house was burnt down. 消防队员控制不住大火,房子被烧毁了。
The firefighters helped them all to escape from the burning building. 消防队员帮助他们全部从著火的大楼中逃脱了。)
The firefighters rushed to the flaming building. 消防队员冲进起火燃烧的建筑物中。
The fireman bore the fainting girl out of the burning house. 消防队员把这个窒息昏迷的姑娘从燃烧着的房子里救了出来。

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