“Everlasting” is expected to become yet additional proof of BoA's charm as a talented singer and not merely a performer who captivates her audiences with eye-catching performances.
[“永恒”这一曲,预期成为宝儿给观众的另外一面,或者更深的证明她是个实力派的歌手,而不仅仅是引人注目的表演者。 |
“Every compulsion is put upon writers to become safe, polite, obedient, and sterile. In protest . . . I must decline the Pulitzer Prize” (Sinclair Lewis).
“每项强迫都使作家变得本份礼貌、顺从而不出成果。为了抗议…我必须拒绝普利策奖”(辛克莱·路易斯)。 |
“Every heart without Christ is a mission field and every heart with Christ is a missionary.
“没有基督的心就是宣教的禾场,而有基督的心就是宣教的工人。” |
“Every man, that writes in verse is not a Poet” (Ben Jonson).
“并非每个以韵文写作的人皆是诗人”(本·谅生)。 |
“Every statue was hurled from its niche . . . every painted window [was] shivered to atoms” (John Lothrop Motley).
“每一尊雕像都从壁龛上被推了下来…每一扇彩画的窗户震得粉碎”(约翰·洛斯罗普·莫特利)。 |
“Everyone acts in the way they think is necessary in this world because there are no alliances,” he added.
莫吉补充道:”在这个世界上,我们每个人都会去做我们认为有必要的事情,因为我们不能总是依靠谁。” |
“Everyone expected us to win and even the Andorra players didn't seem to think they had much chance.
“所有人都认为我们会赢,甚至安道尔的球员看起来也不认为自己会有什么机会。” |
“Everyone here is with their spouse or significant other.
“这里每个人都带了他们的另一半。” |
“Everyone probably thinks that I'm a raving nymphomaniac, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is I'd rather read a book.
有人可能认为我是个胡言乱语的做爱狂,或者认为我性欲超强。事实上要我比较喜欢看书。 |
“Everyone who has tried it is enthusiastic. It tastes like a quirky mixture of beer and sherry,” said Bavarian brewer Harald Schneider.
「试过的人都非常喜欢。它尝起来就像是啤酒与雪利酒的不寻常组合,」巴伐利亚邦啤酒酿造业者哈洛.施奈德说。 |
“Everyone, except perhaps some real estate developers, and builders of nuclear reactors and high dams, agree that we should build according to strict codes assuring earthquake resistance.
“所有的人,某些建筑开发商,以及核反应堆和高水坝的建造商除外,都同意我们应当依照保证防震的严格标准进行建造。” |