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How would you interpret the symbolism here?

How would you evaluate your present firm? 你如何看待你现在工作的企业?
How would you explain the connectivity to the technician? 你如何会解释对技术人员的连接性?
How would you feel if you got a polio, chicken pox, measles, mumps, flu, and small pox at the same time every year? 如果你每年的同一时间都要接种脊髓毁质炎,水痘,麻疹,流感的疫苗你会作何感想?”
How would you feel if you had lived in Charleston during the war? 如果你在战争期间住在查尔斯顿市,你会有什麽感觉呢?
How would you go about hiring such a manager? 你会如何聘雇这样的经理人?
How would you interpret the symbolism here? 您怎麽解释这里的象徵主义?
How would you like to be remembered? 你希望自己被如何回忆?
How would you like to come bowling? 你喜欢投保龄球吗?
How would you like to go to the following places, by boat, by air orby bus? 你愿意以什么方式到下面的位置,坐船,乘飞机或坐公共汽车?
How would you like to have it?rare,medium or overdone? 您要几分熟?三分、五分或全熟?
How would you like to make payment? 您打算怎样付款?

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