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Different benevolent-minded ladies and gentlemen in this neighbourhood and in London.

Did you come to Paris for the purpose of simple leisure, or for business purposes? 你到巴黎来的目的纯粹是为了休闲,还是为了做生意?
Did you hear what that addle-coved wizard wanted us to do? 你有无听到那个猪兜巫师想我地做乜?
Did you make them yourselves? “自己做的吗?”
Did you see Robert safely off? At half past six in the morning? No fear! We said goodbye last night. 你把罗伯特平安地送走了吗?你是说早上6:30吗?没有,我们昨晚就分了手。
Diet as a whole is something we need to look at more closely in terms of infertility,she said. “总体来说,从不孕的角度看,我们应该对自己的饮食更加在意,”她说。
Different benevolent-minded ladies and gentlemen in this neighbourhood and in London. “这里附近或者伦敦心肠慈善的太太们和绅士们。”
Difficult to enforce the lawis a serious problem in civil procedure. 摘要“执行难”是困扰我国民事执行领域的顽疾。
Difficulty in walking is a normal adverse reaction of the medicine,Wu said at a news conference broadcast on the Internet. 在通过因特网报道的新闻发布会上,吴浈称:“出现行走困难是用药后一种常见的不良反应。”
Dig a hole through the wall in their sight and go out through it. 结12:5你要在他们眼前挖通了墙、从其中将物件带出去。
Ding, dong!sounded the Hyacinth bells. We do not toll for little Kay; we do not know him. That is our way of singing, the only one we have. “叮!当!”风信子的铃敲起来了。“我们不是为小小的加伊而敲——我们不认识他!我们只是唱着我们的歌——我们所知道的唯一的歌。”
Dirk has trained well and he is fit and ready to play,enthused Benitez. “DIRK训练很好,他很适合出场比赛。”

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