This sort of thing is beyond the range of managerial decisions.
这也是管理阶层所做决定无法涵盖的领域。 |
This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.
这种工作需要很大的耐心。 |
This sort of work fag ged me out.
这种工作使我疲惫不堪。 |
This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors.
在微处理机来临之前,这种工作实在难以想像。 |
This sounded remarkably similar to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, with area playing the role of entropy.
这听起来非常类似热力学第二定律,由于区域扮演热力学熵的角色。 |
This sounds a long way from Google's original stated aim – “Do no evil”.
这听起来和谷歌最初声称的目标——“不做邪恶之事”——有很大距离啊。 |
This sounds a lot, though I suggest that, if it included the sort of multitasking mirror-gazing that I was doing just then, it might be fair enough.
这听上去很多,不过我认为,如果包括了就像我刚才那样在照镜子的时候还做着其它事的话,这个数据也许相当合理。 |
This sounds like a dream, but it's not: milk chocolate can actually give your brain a 17) boost !
听起来像在作梦,但却不是:牛奶巧克力真正能够振奋您的大脑! |
This soup has a nice taste.
这道汤真好喝! |
This soup helps to enhance blood circulation. It is a winter delicacy that helps to keep our body warm.
此汤行气活血,特别适合冬天服用,可帮助驱寒保暖。 |
This soup is fairly hot.
这汤挺热。(含义是:说话人喜欢喝热汤。) |