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Through describing the fusion of IP net and PSTN, this paper explains the network fusion by using the next generation network hearted with the soft exchange.

1 Through altering the Q shot blasting house,abrator head can raise the quality of sand cleaning,and improve the appearance of casting. 已记 看解释
2 Through by collecting and examining the gases of these two steps GC FTIR we can know the sample includes minor methyl stearat and methyl octadecanoate,the mole percent is ∶. 已记 看解释
3 Through comparing F value, the most significant of the spraying amount of kalium for the quality and yield of soybean is seed size (F=9. 9**) , yield (F=9.00**) and oil (F=.7**). 已记 看解释
4 Through comparing the results of endurance test for the two jonits---T9/R0/0CrMo90 and T9/R0/ GrMo,it is found that the former surpass the latter at high temperature capability. 已记 看解释
5 Through comparing with PP/spheric Mg(OH) system,it is found that the tensile strength of PP/fibre Mg(OH) /P is excellent. 已记 看解释
6 Through describing the fusion of IP net and PSTN, this paper explains the network fusion by using the next generation network hearted with the soft exchange. 已记 看解释
7 Through detection of semi-products prior to dyeing, set lint blower on feeding device, controlling of uniform padder and using advanced pre-dry and extraction technology, the quality of dyed products in continuous pad dyeing can be improved. 已记 看解释
8 Through digitized procession of the photographs, photographic magnitudes of -0. ±0. and -.8±0. have been measured for the two Leonid meteors, respectively. Their masses and electric line densities could be deduced. 已记 看解释
9 Through his works, I have understood Mister's philosophic thinking towards life and his inflexible pursuit of art, and thus improved my won attainment and level of artistic appreciation. 已记 看解释
10 Through identifying,7 phylum,7 genera and 70 species of phytoplankton have been recorded. 已记 看解释
11 Through observation on the ovary, in 80% (/) in group B and 8.9% ( / 7) in group C of the does the ovarian follicles ovulated or the new corpus luteum emerged. 已记 看解释

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