Government's overall development of human resource must construct eight ideas: to change the philosophy idea from one-sided viewto systematic view, to pay more attention to the strategic precondition, to regard the policy and legislation as the preconditi
摘要政府整体性人力资源开发务必建构“八大理念”:开发的哲学理念是“一统论”向“系统论”转轨;注重开发战略规划的策谋;开发的大前提是政策和立法;建立资源配置的市场化等开发机制;善于把继续和终身教育放在首要位置,藉以提高我国加入WTO和西部大开发的综合国力;强化朝阳、午阳、晚霞工程一盘棋的理念;鉴于其开发具有多维性、延展性,故须强化系统、动态管理的理念;数字化开发管理的出现必将掀政府人力资源开发史上的浪潮。 |
Government, they thought, must restrain the greed of man, even though it could not eradicate it from the human heart.
清教徒认为政府必须限制人民的贪婪,即使政府无法根绝人们心中的贪念。 |
Government-backed research institute Riken said the 158-centimeter (five-foot) RI-MAN humanoid can already carry a doll weighing 12 kilograms (26 pounds) and could be capable of bearing 70 kilograms within five years.
由政府支持的日本物理与化学研究所(Riken)介绍说,这个名为RI-MAN的人形机器人身高1.58米,现已能抱起12公斤的人偶。5年内,它有可能背负70公斤的重量。 |
Government-debt security with a coupon and original maturity of more than 10 years. Interest is paid semiannually.
原始有效期高于十年并带有息票的政府债券,利息每半年支付。 |
Government-guided prices refer to prices as fixed by business operators according to benchmark prices and range of the prices as set by the government department in charge of price or other related departments within their term of reference.
政府指导价,是指依照本法规定,由政府价格主管部门或者其他有关部门,按照定价权限和范围规定基准价及其浮动幅度,指导经营者制定的价格。 |
Government-set prices as fixed by the government department in charge of prices or related departments within their term of reference according to the provisions of this law.
政府定价,是指依照本法规定,由政府价格主管部门或者其他有关部门,按照定价权限和范围制定的价格。 |
Governmental Authorization:With Guangzhou Personnel Bureau's authorization, our company is the only one who use this regional brand South China Market of Human Resources(SCMHR is one of the seven biggest human resources markets in China, is formed by Mini
政府授权经营:经广州市人事局授权,唯一使用中国南方人才市场这一区域性品牌的公司(国家七大人才市场之一,由人事部和广州市政府组建、广州市人事局管理);在政府指导下进行市场化运作的专业人力资源公司。 |
Governmental departments concerned shall, in determining the quota for recruiting and employing workers and staff members, allot a certain proportion of the quota to disabled persons.
政府有关部门下达职工招用、聘用指标时,应当确定一定数额用于残疾人。 |
Governmental innovation is a certain demand to public administration in this new period.
摘要政府创新是新时期对政府公共管理的必然要求。 |
Governments across Asia are insisting that industry cuts energy wastage.
亚洲不同地区的政府机构一直在坚持削减工业能源消耗。 |
Governments and large businesses had voiced concern about the omnipresence of Microsoft products and a rash of hacks and viruses that exploited holes in the firm's software.
由于微软产品非常普及,引发的黑客和病毒利用其软件的漏洞侵害用户安全,政府和大企业用户对此甚为关切。 |