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Modulates physiology and provides energy.

Modular check design concept facilitates maintenance and assembly access. 模块化止回阀结构简化维护,有助于接近总成。
Modular design is adopted in both hardware and software of the control system, and the expansibility and fault tolerance of the whole system are improved. 控制系统的硬件和软件均采用了模块化结构的设计,增强了整个系统的可扩展性和容错性。
Modularity is the process of dividing an object into smaller pieces so each smaller object of module can be dealt with individually. 模块化是把一个对象分割成(若干)小部分以便每个更小的模块对象可以单独处理。
Modularization of XHTML also gives reduced development costs, improved cooperation with other applications (like databases), easier communication with different user agents (browsers), and cleaner integration between HTML and different XML standards. XHTML模块提供了更少的开发成本,改进了与其它应用程序(如:数据库)的相互协调,更方便地与不同的浏览器进行交互,并将HTML和不同的XML标准进行了全方位的整合。
Modularization—modular assembly per customer requests. 二.组合性——根据用户需要模块化组合。
Modulates physiology and provides energy. 能调节生理机能及提供能量。
Modulates the level of adrenaline to relieve stress and fatigue. 剌激肾上腺素的分泌,有助纾缓压力、消除疲劳。
Modulation and control of emission. 放射调变与控制。
Module 12, Negotiations and Conflict Resolution. Pp. 1-21. 模组12《协商及冲突管理解决方案》,第1-21页。
Module structure of dynamic characteristic's simulation software and major studying contents for multifarious turbine governing system are expatiated. 阐述了各种汽轮机调节系统动态特性仿真软件中模块的结构及主要研究内容。
Module-level variables were accessible in the code file (form, class, or module) in which they were declared. 模块级变量在声明代码所在的文件(窗体、类、模块)。

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