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Suqing is our good friend of English Corner. She moved to USA last year and has been living a happiness life with her husband, Joe.

Suqian has the monsoon climate of warm temperate zone, with abundant sunshine and rainfall. Its annual temperate averages 14℃ and the annual average precipitation is 913 mm. 宿迁属暖温带季风性气候,光照充足,雨水丰沛,年均气温14℃,年均降雨量913毫米。
Suqian is a celebrated town of agriculture, with Hongze Lake, one of the 4 largest fresh water lakes, and Luoma Lake with the quality of class B. 宿迁是著名的水产之乡,拥有中国四大淡水湖之一的洪泽湖和达到二级水质的骆马湖。
Suqian is a famous town of liquor in China ,of which “Yanghe” liquor and “Shuanggou” liquor rank among the national top 10 liquors. 宿迁是中国名酒之乡,“洋河”、“双沟”居国家十大名酒之列。
Suqian is ample in mineral resources. Its reserve of quartz sand, pottery clay, blue spar and yellow sand ranks among the top of the provincial-level cities in China. 宿迁矿产资源丰富,石英砂、陶土、蓝晶石、黄砂储量居全国省辖市之首。
Suqian is the hometown of poplar and has a wood accumulation volume of 7,000,000 cubic meters. 宿迁是中国杨树之乡,全市木材蓄积量达700万立方米.
Suqing is our good friend of English Corner. She moved to USA last year and has been living a happiness life with her husband, Joe. 树清是我们英语角的好朋友,她于去年移居美国,她在美国过着幸福快乐的生活。
Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up. 没问题,什么时候到我办公室来拿都可以。
Sure ,the first day ,we flew to bali ialand,it's a romantic island . 当然好,第一天呢,我们飞去巴黎岛,那里真的是个十分浪漫的岛屿。
Sure enough, 80 percent of the plants developed the disease. 果然,80%的庄稼都染上了这种病。
Sure enough, Rastus arrived punctually at seven o'clock that evening. 果然,当天晚上7点正,拉斯特斯准时回来了。
Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away. 果然,警察来了,有礼貌地请工人离开此地;但其中一个工人粗鲁地回了几句。

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