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As for the outer packing is concerned, could you use wooden boxes instead?

As for the method of comprehension and the way of practice faced with the enlightenment by literature in period of the May 4th Movement, there are two distinguished reality in literary world. 1. if literature can supersede all the traditional ideology, th 摘要从20世纪20年代的文学创作中可以看出,针对“文学启蒙”的解读方式(包括如何理解、如何通过创作去操作实施)一般呈现出两种模式:一是认为只要用文学取代一切非文学的思想意识就可以启蒙并达到启蒙的目的;二是认为只有先进的思想意识、文化意识才可以启蒙,而文学只是一种手段方式而己。
As for the modification you has verbally required yesterday, you should confirm it in writing. 对于您昨天口头要求的改动,您应该给我一个书面的东西。
As for the non-tradable stocks held by the investor prior to its reform or the stocks held by the investor prior to the initial public offering, the securities registration and clearing institutions may ,in accordance with the application of the investor, 对于投资者在上市公司股权分置改革前持有的非流通股份或在上市公司首次公开发行前持有的股份,证券登记结算机构可以根据投资者申请为其开立证券账户。
As for the other argument—that separate (and perhaps poorer) owners would be slower than BAA in expanding capacity—that too is doubtful. 而另一条理由:单独(也许是财力欠佳的)单独所有者相比BAA,在提高客容量方面会较为缓慢,这也同样站不住脚。
As for the other events of Amaziah's reign, from beginning to end, are they not written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel? 26亚玛谢其余的事,自始至终不都写在犹大和以色列诸王记上吗?
As for the outer packing is concerned, could you use wooden boxes instead? 至于外包装,能否用木盒代替么?
As for the payment terms,we shall be able in getting the forex account once we present the sample to our authority as an evidence of our request or application for a foreign payment request. 关于付款方式,只要我们把样品递交到相关机构(该机构可作为我们申请向国外付款的证人),我们就可以得到相应的银行帐号。
As for the peasant, his problem was much more critical. 对于农民来说,问题要尖锐得多;与地主的斗争关系到他们的生死存亡。
As for the peoples of the land who bring wares or any grain on the sabbath day to sell, we will not buy from them on the sabbath or a holy day; and we will forego the crops the seventh year and the exaction of every debt. 尼10:31这地的居民若在安息日、或甚麽圣日、带了货物或粮食来卖给我们、我们必不买.每逢第七年必不耕种、凡欠我们债的必不追讨。
As for the pics, one is me now, the other was me 20 years ago. 照片一张是现在的我,另一张是20年前的我。
As for the pillars, the height of each pillar was eighteen cubits, and it was twelve cubits in circumference and four fingers in thickness, and hollow. 耶52:21这一根柱子高十八肘、厚四指、是空的.围十二肘。

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