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Radio Observational Studies of High Luminosity AGNs and the Dim Galactic Center Object Sgr A~*
高光度活动星系核和暗弱银心天体Sgr A~*的射电观测研究

R_φ Integral and Riemann Integral R_ρ积分与Riemann积分
Rabi solution from dressed atoms 缀饰原子法求解拉比精确解
Racist or Non-racist-Australia's Refugee Entry Policy, 977-00 澳洲难民准入政策中的种族歧视问题,977-00
Radiative Transition of Triply Excited p~ np~S~o States to the spmp~P States in Lithiumlike B~(+) and N~(+) 类锂B~(+)和N~(+)三激发态p~np~S~o到spmp~P态的辐射跃迁
Radical nephrectomy was performed for cases and nephron sparing surgery was undertaken for 9 cases . 例行根治性肾切除术,9例行保留肾单位手术。
Radio Observational Studies of High Luminosity AGNs and the Dim Galactic Center Object Sgr A~* 高光度活动星系核和暗弱银心天体Sgr A~*的射电观测研究
Radiodiagnosis of Intracranial Dermoid Cyst 颅内皮样囊肿的影像诊断(附0例报告)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Development in the Carpale 腕骨发育的X线解剖观察
Radiolaria Fossils in Cores A-C and A-0C and Sedimentary Environment in the Area East of Taiwan Island 台湾岛以东A-C及A-0C岩芯中的放射虫化石与沉积环境
Radiolocation in CDMA Celluar Systems 在CDMA蜂窝系统中实现无线电定位
Radiologic diagnosis of Castle man's disease Castle man病影像学诊断

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