While they cleaned their weapons, harness, and horses, the stars faded away, it became quite light, and an early morning breeze sprang up. |
中文意思: 虽然他们清理自己的武器,治理、马匹、星星褪色,它成了很轻,晨风、早日崛起. |
While these tests may be needed for complete characterization of certain reference standards, specific recommendations for validation of biological and immunochemical tests are not contained in this guidance document.
如果这些检测需用于某些标准品的界定,生物和免疫化学检测的分析方法验证方面的特殊建议并不在本指南的范围之内。 |
While they age, each one of the 32 million bottles that lay in the cellars is given a one-eighth turn everyday by hand to make sure that the Champagne is clear and sparkling.
在其熟化过程中,所有三千二百万瓶香槟酒中的任意一瓶每八天就受到一次手检,以确保每瓶都清澈晶莹,泡沫丰富。 |
While they are learning, one of the daughters struggles harder than the others and is personally driven to become a champion contender in spelling bees.
老牌电视导演西蒙.温斯尔手法平实精练,充分发挥了这个移民故事的感人力量,一群东方演员也有逼真自然的演出。 |
While they are saying, Peace and safety!then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.
帖前5:3人正说平安稳妥的时候、灾祸忽然临到他们、如同产难临到怀胎的妇人一样.他们绝不能逃脱。 |
While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
2这是因为看见你们有贞洁的品行,和敬畏的心。 |
While they cleaned their weapons, harness, and horses, the stars faded away, it became quite light, and an early morning breeze sprang up.
虽然他们清理自己的武器,治理、马匹、星星褪色,它成了很轻,晨风、早日崛起. |
While they do not claim student ratings are necessarily good benchmarks of a teacher's classroom productivity, Hamermesh and Parker say their findings leave little doubtperceived good looks do indeed drive up the scores.
尽管他们没有断言学生的评价一定是衡量教师课堂生产力的有效尺度,汉默麦希和帕克说他们的发现无疑说明看得见的美貌确实有助于提高得分。 |
While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling, they do not realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life.
在享受自己住宅的舒适和庸俗的豪华时,却没有意识到被剥夺了生活所必需的东西。 |
While they gad about the world, their children are neglected at home.
他们在世界各地游荡, 孩子在家无人照看. |
While they gad about the world, their children are neglected at home.
他们在世界各地游荡,孩子在家无人照看. |
While they had struggled for the summit, the whole organisation had completely fallen apart.
就在他们拼命挣扎冲顶时,整个探险队已经完全崩溃瓦解了。 |