His family can be trusted to stick by him whatever happens.
他的家庭可以信得过,无论发生什么事他们都会支持他的。 |
His family can trace its history back to the 10th century.
他的家族可以追溯到十世纪。 |
His family could only cry and watch this expert marksman twist and writhe in his death agonies.
他的家人只能嚎啕大哭,眼睁睁地看着这个出色的神枪手在扭曲翻滚中痛苦地死去。 |
His family emigrated from Italy to America.
他们家从意大利移居到美国。 |
His family goes back to the time of Queen Elizabeth 1.
他的家族渊源可回溯到伊丽莎白女王一世的时代. |
His family has had to play second fiddle to his political career.
他因从政而把家庭置於次要地位. |
His family is out of the top drawer of Washington society.
他的家庭属于华盛顿的上流社会。 |
His family is very dear to him.
他的家庭是他所非常疼惜。 |
His family knew that this was the result of his bad deeds. In moments, nothing was left of Old Wei but bare bones.
他的家人知道这是他作恶的报应。不一会,老魏的尸体只剩白骨一堆了。 |
His family life had a bad effect on the boy's behavior.
家庭生活对这个男孩的行为有很坏的影响。 |
His family life had a bad effect on the boy's behaviour.
家庭生活对这个男孩的行为有很坏的影响。 |