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To defeat the Saxon, we need a master of war.

To decorate or hang with lights. 以灯装饰用灯光进行装饰.
To decrease energy consumption of JingXian Oil Pipeline, the transportation process of the pipeline is improved to tight-line pump process and realizes the automatic pressure and oil throughput regulating as well as the automatic protection under the extr 摘要针对靖咸管道大落差、多种管径和输送流量大的特点,结合实际运行工况进行了技术改造,旨在降低管道的运营能耗。
To decrease the usage ofwhite pigment because of possessing good opacity. 白色不透明可减少白色顔料使用量。
To dedicate any and all profits from the boat shows or any other money making endeavors to be used only in behalf of programs beneficial to the sport of boating and the industry connected therewith. 把任何所有来自划船展和任何其他经努力挣来的利益致力于划船运动和与之有关的产业。
To deepen the educational reform of financial management, we must follow the thought that it is a systematic project, analyze the characteristics of the system and its relations with the environment as well as its changing rules, promote the system's new 摘要深化财务管理课程教学改革,必须遵循财务管理教学改革是一个系统工程的思路,分析系统特征及其与环境的相互关系和变动规律,通过系统内外诸要素的优化,以系统内部的相互作用推动系统达成与外部环境新的适应,实现财务管理教学改革的优化设计和路径转变。
To defeat the Saxon, we need a master of war. 要打败萨克逊人,需要高明的统帅。
To defend the rising feudal social system, Confucius practises doctrine of the mean loyally which is of active and practical value in terms of epistemology. 摘要孔子为了维护处在上升时期的封建制,自身践行了中庸之道,体现了在认识论方面的积极的实际意义。
To define a word, then, the dictionary editor places before him the stack of cards illustrating that word; each of the cards represents an actual use of the word by a writer of some literary or historical importance. 为了确定单词的义项,然后,词典的编者就把能说明该单词用法的那一堆卡片摆在自己的面前;每一张卡片都阐明了某一文学作品或某一重要历史文献的作者对该单词的实际用法。
To define organised crime groups by considering the circumstances of china, this will help the administration the legal framework to apply the country's law to punish and defeating those involved in organised crime, as well as an important meaning for the 结合我国的实际情况来认定黑社会性质组织,有助于打击和预防黑社会性质组织犯罪和维护,对于维护我国的长治久安也具有重要意义。
To define the first triangle, we therefore provide vertex indices 0, 1 and 4. 定义第一个三角形,然后设置顶点索引0,1,4。
To define wind speed and direction look at the shadow of a cloud on the ground. 空中风速及风向可由云在地面影子判断。

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