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That may be why training camp has had a laid-back feel this week.

That may be hard to believe sometimes, in the confusion and chaos of daily life, in the contingent ebb and flow of human history. 当我们面对杂乱无章的日常生活、起起伏伏的人类历史,这个原理有时候很难令人信服。
That may be our taxi now! 那辆可能就是我们的计程车了。
That may be perceived when the advancement of the technology is examined. 分析技术进步就能看到这一点。
That may be the last mischief in my life, so I guess they may pardon the bigoted old man. 这可能是我这一生中最后一个恶作剧了,所以,我想他们应该可以原谅我这个顽固的老头子吧。)
That may be why he tried to sell the rapidly emerging Chinese auto industry on Ontario as an ideal launching pad for breaking into the North American market. 那也许就是为什么他要努力将迅速崛起的中国汽车工业引进安省,以作为一个理想的发射台去进入北美市场。
That may be why training camp has had a laid-back feel this week. 可能因为这,训练营本周有点懒散气氛。
That may delay some of the most appealing applications for power-line communications. “You could plug a cable or satellite video receiver into any outlet in the home and then plug your TV in anywhere and move it around at will,” Reed muses. “Or you could 「想想看,未来只要将缆线或是卫星电视接收器插进家中的任一插座,看电视时,插头想插哪里就插哪里,完全不受限制,」利德沉吟道,「或者你也可以加一条虚拟的电话线。
That may explain the conflicting attitudes found among staff at UN organisations. 或许这就说明了为什么联合国所属各机构中的工作人员往往众口难调、各执己见。
That may mean bar coding, while highly touted for ensuring correct medication delivery, may be only an interim technology, but one that hospitals will feel forced to implement, facing pressure from the government and care quality groups. 也可能像条形码一样,虽然在确保药品配送正确方面被极度的吹捧,但它可能仅仅只是一种过渡的技术,只不过迫于政府和护理质量组织的压力,医院才不得不使用。
That may not be enough for Team New Zealand to successfully defend the Cup. 这也许不足以使新西兰队成功卫冕。
That may not be so bad for Hong Kong considering mainlanders make up half of the total number of tourists who generate up to 8 percent of the territory's economic activity. 这未必不好考虑外省人占香港旅客总数一半的人带来多达8%的领土的经济活动.

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