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Applicable for automatic weighing and quantitative packing of grain material of cereals,foodstuffs,Chemical industry,Light Industy and Pharmacy,etc.,with function of vacuumization or filling with inert gases.

Appliances and computers arrive as after-the-fact intrusions. 电脑与周边设备,则是在这些既成事实之后才出现。
Applicable Legal blotter Explanation on Construction Contract Dispute Case Inquisition was proclaimed on October 25, 2004, which has made significant influence and adjustment, not only to the trade administration, but also to the trade operation conventio 摘要最高人民法院于2004年10月25日出台的《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》(以下简称《司法解释》),无论对行业行政管理,对行业运作惯例,还是对相关当事人的利益关系,都产生了重大影响。
Applicable for any type of elevator. 适用于所有类型的电梯。
Applicable for automatic weighing and quantitative packing of RICE,WHEAT,MAIZE,SEEDS and other granular material of Foodstuffs, Chemical Industry Light Industry &Pharmacy,etc. 用于大米、小麦、稻谷、玉米、种子等颗粒状物料的称重,适用于粮食、化工、轻工、医药等行业粒状物料的自动定量。
Applicable for automatic weighing and quantitative packing of RICE,WHEAT,PADDY,MAIZE,MILLET, TEA, BEANS,SALT,SUGAR, WASHING POWDER and other material of granular, powder and slice shaped. 适用于大米、小麦、稻谷、玉米、种子、茶叶、食盐、砂糖、洗衣粉等颗粒、粉状、片状物料的计量、自动包装。
Applicable for automatic weighing and quantitative packing of grain material of cereals,foodstuffs,Chemical industry,Light Industy and Pharmacy,etc.,with function of vacuumization or filling with inert gases. 适用于粮食、食品、化工、轻工、医药等行业颗粒物料自动定量后抽真空或充惰性气体的自动包装。
Applicable for continuous conveying of Wheat,Maize,Paddy and other granular material in dock, coal yard and warehouse, etc. 扒运散状颗料物以连续物流的形式送出,用于小麦、玉米、稻谷等散状颗料物的倒仓,发入,过程以及码头、煤场等使用。
Applicable for dual-purpose auto-matic weighing and quantitative packing of two different material as grain and powder of Feed, Chemical Industry, Light Industry and Construction industry. 适用于饲料、化工、轻工、建材等行业使用同一台电脑定量秤满足颗粒、粉状二种不同物料的自动定量、计量、包装。
Applicable for intermediate filtration of Pharmacy,Electronic,food and common air-conditioning ventilation system. 适用于制药、电子、食品行业和空调通风系统的中级过滤。
Applicable for intermediate weighing of RICE, WHEAT,MAIZE and other granular material of FOODSTUFFS,Chemical Industry,Light Industry &Pharmacy in feeding or process flow. 适用于大米、小麦、玉米以及食品、化工、轻工、医药等行业粒状物料的计量或工艺流程的中间计量。
Applicable for power generation, coal mine, petrochemical industry, slag draining, draining, smelting service. 适应于发电、煤矿、石油化工、排渣、排污、冶炼等单位使用。

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