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The committee voted more money for publicity.

The committee says this rule, in the first year, cost businesses an average of more than four million dollars. 委员会说在第一年里,这项条款使得每个公司平均花了四百多万美元。
The committee serves as the liaison between the Foundation and the district's Rotary clubs. 该委员会是地区的扶轮社和扶轮基金会间的联络人。
The committee should be composed of experts in the field of herbal medicinal products. 委员会应由草药品领域的专家组成。
The committee submitted the first report about the organization reconstruction of Executive Yuan in April 2002, and suggested to reduce the number of the Cabinet departments, to establish three Policy-Coordination Agencies and Independent Establishments. 行政院组织改造方案建议于行政院下设政策统合机关,以执掌政策统合工作;并于行政院的指挥及监督之外设立独立机关,以确保其行使职权不受干涉,而得以发挥专业性、政治中立性及价值多元性。
The committee threw out my suggestions. 委员会拒绝了我的建议。
The committee voted more money for publicity. 该委员会拨款更多的钱给予了宣传广告。
The committee wants to set a target of halting the rise of childhood obesity by 2010, using the Vancouver Olympics as a hook. 委员会希望利用温哥华冬季奥运会的契机,将2010年设为解决防止儿童肥胖的问题的目标。
The committee was casting about for an experienced teacher to take the retiring principals place. 这个委员会正在寻找一位有经验的教师接替退休的校长的位置。
The committee was chosen by the 275-member National Assembly and presented to the parliament speaker. 译文:该委员会是由275个成员国代表所组成的联合国大会组织选出的,并向大会发言人宣布。
The committee was dead set against this plan. 委员会坚决反对这一计划。
The committee was evenly composed of men and women. 该委员会是由男女各半组合而成的。

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