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A flurry of wind upset the small boat.

A fluorescence method is used to measure the partial pressure of dissolved or gaseous oxygen. 使用荧光方法测量溶解氧和气态氧局部压力。
A fluorometric method for the determination of albendazole in acid or alkali medium has been proposed. 利用β-环糊精-1,2-二溴乙烷乙醇混合体系作增敏剂首次提出了用荧光光度法测量阿苯达唑含量的方法。
A flurry of excitement went round the crowd as the film star arrived. 电影明星到达时,人群中发生了一阵骚动。
A flurry of reported talks among airlines could signal merger mania. A big announcement may come from United Airlines and Continental Airlines who are planning a possible combination. 据报道一些在航空公司间的会谈可能暗示合并风潮的来到。一项宣告可能来自联合航空和大陆航空,他们打算合并。
A flurry of statistics suggesting that growth and inflation are picking up by more than expected had caused some economists to ponder a possible half-point rise. 增长和通胀的统计数据超过预期,对此的担忧使一些经济学家考虑升息50个基点的可能性。
A flurry of wind upset the small boat. 一阵疾风吹翻了小船。
A flush of alarm prickled her skin. 一阵恐慌使得她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。
A flush of excitement crept over his face. 由于兴奋,他脸红了。
A flutter of a flitting touch brushed me and vanished in a moment, like a torn flower petal blown in the breeze. 一霎飞触的撩乱扫拂过我,立刻又消失了,像扯落了的花瓣在和风中飘扬。
A fly ball hit for fielding practice by a player who tosses the ball up and hits it on its way down with a long, thin, light bat. 飞球运动员为防守练习而击打的腾空球,先将球抛起来,在球未落地前,用长而细的轻快球棒击打
A fly does not mind dying in coconut. 苍蝇不介意死在椰子里。

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