In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scrīptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate.
藏传佛教中,也有着大量的经文、仪轨,经由诸多崇高的大师一直传承下来,他们为我们留下了经典和仪轨,让我们去学习和祈祷。 |
In Tiger Leaping-gorge region, endogenic and exogenic geological processes are very prominent, and in different reaches the deformed and failured masses develop dissimilarly.
金沙江虎跳峡地区内、外动力地质作用十分显著,岸坡变形破坏体的空间分布具有鲜明的地段性。 |
In Time Square, New York, more than a million people washed the giant crystal ball drop and travelers have more than three and a half tons of confetti dumped on them.
在纽约时代广场,超过百万的人观看了巨大水晶球的降落仪式,并有超过了3.5吨的彩带洒向了他们。 |
In Time Square, New York, more than a million people watched giant crystal ball drop and travelers have more than three and a half tons of confetti dumped on them.
在纽约时代广场,一百多万人观看了巨大水晶球的下落过程,游客们留下了3.5吨的五彩纸屑。 |
In Time Square, New York, more than a million people watched the giant crystal ball drop and travelers have more than three and a half tons of confetti dumped on them.
在纽约时代广场,超过百万人观看了水晶球的降落,并且有3.5吨的糖果向游客们倾倒下来。 |
In Times Square, where security was noticeably beefed up in the hours after U.S. air strikes began, many first learned the news from the large scrolling electronic bulletin boards framing the busy intersection.
美国空袭阿富汗之后,纽约时代广场的治安明显加强,许多人都是从广场上大屏幕上得知美国开战的消息。 |
In Today's economy, the number of people engaging in the service industry is far more greater than those in the manufacturing industry.
当今经济,服务行业的从业人员大大超过制造业的生产者。 |
In Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 Average built on last year's 40 per cent surge, rising another 2 per cent to its highest level since September 2000.
在东京股市,日经225指数在去年劲升40%的基础上,再度上涨2%,升至2000年9月以来最高水平。 |
In Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 index closed down more than 1 per cent to 12,309.83 and the yen weakened against the dollar.
在东京,日经225指数收盘时下挫超过1个百分点,收于12,309.83点,日元对美元的汇率也持续走弱。 |
In Tony Zee's Fearful Symmetry(written in 1986), he also commented that it was not known whether the electron has any substructure.
对了,我现在对电子也是越来越糊涂,这到底是一个颗粒性的粒子(无论多么小),还是根本就不是一个粒子啊? |
In Totentanz 2, a crimson tinted flood is superimposed over a magisterial robed figure, an Aryan blonde seated as if on a throne.
在《死亡之舞》2里,染成深红的洪水叠加在一个威风凛凛、身着长袍的人物上——一个金发碧眼的雅利安人,如同坐在国王的宝座上一般。 |